Are you ready to be in action to change your life?
If you are, then coaching can be a wonderful approach to creating your life as you want it - NOW!
Working together and using a supportive and active approach including transformational experiences, creative processes, dialogue and shifts in action - new awarenesses occur, new actions are taken, and access is gained to a life you want to live, right now!
Whether you are seeking change in your:
Relationship or relationship status
Health related issue/s
Quality of life
Whether you are seeking:
Motivational supports
Growth and development
New approaches to solving old problems
Coaching can be a powerful approach for you!
To determine whether you are ready to be in action to create change now -
Take a look at the following parts of your life, and on a scale of 1 (all is working perfectly) to 10 (things are not working at all), determine what is working, what is not, and whether there are areas you would like to change:
Romantic relationship
Family relationships
Work relationships
Other relationships
Overall quality of live
Now ask yourself:
Am I willing to let go of what’s not working to create something new?
Am I willing to choose change, and be in action?
Do I understand that while knowing what to change can be simple, doing it is not always easy - and I'm willing to go for it anyway?
Am I ready to see what's possible in my life, and live the life I say I want to live?
If you are ready and would like to schedule an appointment with Linda Turner, Licensed Creative Arts Therapist and Change Coach: (917) 445-7587 or email.